Friday, January 10, 2014

The First Misadventure

I must give a shout out to my dear cousin @Constar for the idea of starting this blog.  I've been a high school English teacher for four months now and it has been an eventful first semester both personally and professionally (eventful is an understatement to say the least).  I planned a wedding, bought a new car (totaled said car in 29 days), almost died, temporarily loss a bit of my memory, married the best husband ever, recovered during winter break, and started the new year with new found motivation.  

During the break I reflected on the past four months.  And as I perused the videos on my iPad, I found a video I made August 17, 2013, expressing my goals, concerns, and thoughts for the upcoming school year.  I never expected last semester to be as challenging as it was, but it was those challenges which led me to choose the title for this blog, The Misadventures of A First Year Teacher on Wheels.  

Future posts will document my personal and professional experiences this school year.  I will discuss my victories, fumbles, and recoveries as an educator.  I hope to help other teachers navigate this wonderfully rewarding career by learning with me.  

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